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Page history last edited by Cedric 11 years ago Saved with comment

If you're looking to build a team, join a team, or just not sure what you want to hack on, add your name to one (or more) of these lists. Also remember that you can always search the eventbrite registration listings for some information about what people are interested in.



I'm happy to help people with ___________


Name                    Twitter handle          Thing to help with

David Harris          @physicsdavid          Arduino, Physics

Ryan Anderson                                     Electronics, physical sensors, big-picture scoping 

Crystal Shei           @crystalshei             Design (UI or otherwise), making things that require nimble handiwork 

Jun Axup               @junnibug              Biology, science art projects

Maria Cordell        @mcordell                     interaction/UI design, information design, information architecture, concepting, circuits, soldering, mechanical things, photography

Lourdes Juarez     @uniquechica               Design, CAD, 3D in SketchUp, UX, html/css, photography, www.lourdesjuarez.com

Cedric Honnet       @brainiaxxx             Arduino, electronics, sensors, music, and Sifteo blocks!! github.com/honnet


I would like help with ____________


Name                    Twitter handle          Thing you'd like help with

Ryan Anderson                                      Re-purposing our project here: http://www.pie-politics.org/  to be USA focused, and do more data viz

David Harris          @physicsdavid          Ppl interested in journal publishing, UI design, web front-end devs, programmers who want to build on the figshare API

Cedric Honnet       @brainiaxxx             Hack with a new BLE + ARM CPU: nRF51822 (1st step OK: youtu.be/sgKb9N6MPIM)


I don't know exactly what I want to do but I'm interested in ____________


Name                    Twitter handle          Area of interest


Mitar                      @mitar_m                    Open science, open access.








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