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Science Hack Ideas (2013)
At last! Science Hack Day came to the Big Apple for the first time on 1-2 June 2013, at NYU's ITP, as part of the World Science Festival.
NOTE: This event has already taken place. Below you will find information about the hacks that occurred, as well as workshops that ran during the two days of the event. If you want a summary of what happened at the event, check out http://www.billionbrainblog.com/?p=209
Want to register? Registration is now closed. It was here: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6465001995
Want to know more about some of the planned science hacks? Below you'll find a list of hacks we've already lined up, led by scientists, both professional and amateurs, from near and far. Everything from genetics and particle physics to garbage science and crime research.
Got an idea of your own for a science hack? Add it below. If you see an idea you'd like to hack/collaborate on, add your name to it!
How will it work on the day? Doors open at 9am, and the pitching starts at 10am. After scientists pitch their planned hacks, anyone else who's posted an idea here, or just comes up with a brainwave, will get their chance. Say it in one minute or less!
Hacks and Workshops Below is a list of planned hacks, ideas from participants and also information about workshops being run over the two days.
Looking for other ideas? Browse some of the ideas from previous Science Hack Days or check out the ongoing list of science-related APIs, datasets and useful programming tools/frameworks.
Photos of the event:
Monetary Microbiome: Using Currency to ID Biological Trends Relevant to Human Health
We've started a project to characterize the microbial diversity present on the surface of paper currency using next generation sequencing. Preliminary results demonstrate that the “Monetary Microbiome” contains genetic material from diverse organisms, many of which are relevant to human health. These data indicate the potential of monetary microbial sequencing to identify biological trends. We would like to brainstorm approaches to interactively visualize this data in a manner that is accessible, understandable, and meaningful to the public.
Monica Bate - ITP Graduate and Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Chile
Paul Scheid - Manager, Genomics Sequencing Core, NYU Center for Genomics and Systems Biology
Hackers: Your Name, Email, Twitter Username Comments:
Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
Monitor Dog Health and Human Environment with Dog Collars
Work with a prototype of smart dog collars that have built-in sensors to monitor dog health and human environment. Test sensitivity and make a web page for sharing data.
Organizer: Kevin Lhoste, Researcher at CRI, Universite Paris Descartes
Software needed :
- Processing 2b7 : http://processing.org/download/
+ libraries : ControlP5
- Arduino 1.0.5 : http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
+ libraries
- Driver (for windows) : https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/338
- No need for driver in Mac OS (and linux ?)
How to install libraries (arduino and processing) :
smeprocedure for each of the 2 programs
- Create a folder name sketchbook
- Create a folder libraries inside the sketchbook
- unzip the provided libraries files in this folder
- in arduino (or processing) go to file -> preferences ->sketchbook location
- paste your sketchbook address
- reboot arduino (or processing)
- enjoy !
Open collar code repositories :
Ideas for the hackathon :
- Make new visualization for the data coming from the sensors (bar graph, steps, 3d path, etc...)
- Improvement of the desktop client (annotation of curses, GUI etc...)
- Firmware improvement (sleep walking, flash management)
- Design of the collar
- Find a better name !
- Market studies
- Kickstarter task force (rewards, video etc..)
- New crazy functions for Open collar 2.0 ? (pollution , social network , etc...)
Skills needed:
- hardware jedi
- sofware ninja
- design pirates
- awesome ppl !
What you can learn during this hackathon :
- mixing up arduino and processing to make something cool
- real life debug strategies
- data collection analysis and visualization
- interdisciplinary team work
Rewaaaards :
teams will be rewarded rgarding to their contribution to the project
Contributor rewards
Explorer rewards
Insects and the City - Big Bug Data: Map and Classify Insects in and Around NYC
Help gather and visualize data about the appearance of insects in and around NYC, including the highly anticipated 17-year cicadas! Share your own observations with the “Project Noah" iPhone app or via the website www.projectnoah.org. Sort data based on text, visual, and geographical characteristics.
Organizer: Yasser Ansari, ITP adjunct; Project Noah, CEO
Hackers: Your Name, Email, Twitter Username Comments:
Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
Virtual LHC: Create a virtual simulation of the Large Hadron Collider
Build a distributed computer simulation of the Large Hadron Collider. Learn how to install and run virtual machines on computers to simulate particle collisions.
Since 2011 CERN has been running a BOINC project where currently several thousand volunteers are contributing spare CPU cycles to help CERN physicists compare their latest theoretical models with real experimental data from the LHC and other accelerators. This "LHC@home Test4Theory" BOINC project site is at http://lhcathome2.cern.ch/test4theory/index.php. However, we have found that this approach requires considerable computing savvy on the part of successful volunteers.
We are building a new, slick, web based system for doing this better and simpler, and that will be the basis of the hacking this weekend. Our aim is to attract, later this year, many thousands of new volunteers with minimal computing skills to participate in the project, including a "Virtual LHC Challenge" where computed events will be simulated at the same rate as the LHC would produce them if it were actually running (it's currently closed down for improvements).
Organizers: Ben Segal, Researcher at CERN, and Daniel Lombraña González, Developer at the Citizen Cyberscience Centre.
Front-end Hackers:
Margaret Gold & Brian Fuchs, (The Mobile Collective / Citizen Cyberlab)
Web Prototype testers:
Matt Bellis (Siena College), mbellis@siena.edu, @matt_bellis
Jennifer Shannon
Julian Taub
Brian Fuchs
Margaret Gold
Christian Pellegrini
Darlene Cavalier
Allison Berman
... and several others from Day 1 where we had no signup sheet (mea maxima culpa!)
1. The new "Virtual HC" website was initiated by Margaret and Brian, starting from some of the existing informative pages from the Test4Theory project site dated 2011 ...redone in a modern and jazzy way.
2. The new "CernVM-Web" prototype (the first alpha-test version ever shown!) was tested by our helpers and all bugs and limitations were noted. The prototype consists of a browser plugin and a CrowdCrafting User Interface, both currently under heavy development.
*** All the feedback gained during these two days has resulted in a much improved prototype which is now reaching beta-test quality (note added June 16, 2013).
Living Crystals: Why Do Microscopic Particles “Flock?”
Study "artificial life" created using microscopic magnetic particles, make a citizen science app with video-microscopy data.
Organizers: Paul Chaikin and Jeremie Palacci, Physics Department, NYU
Hackers: Your Name, Email, Twitter Username
Comments: Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
Mirror, Mirror on the Satellite: Harness Microsatellites to Reflect the Sun
Explore a simple way to reflect sunlight from a passing micro satellite so it can be detected in NY. Develop the hardware and software required for this project.
Organizer: Eric Rosenthal, ITP, NYU scientist in residence
Hackers: Your Name, Email, Twitter Username Comments:
Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
Sensors in the City: Convert City Payphones into Environmental Sensors
Explore the potential of city phone booths as environmental sensors. Help build a demo sensor booth, analyze data, and develop a community participation model. Check us out at windchimesnyc.com
Day 1 - Hardware day
1. Field trip (11:30 - 12:30): We'll start with a field trip to Cooper Union, only a couple blocks from ITP, where the prototype is on display. We'll have a discussion about its design, potentially spurring new ideas for features and projects.
2. Tutorial (12:30 - 3:30): "How to makes sensors talk over the telephone line" - A workshop where you will learn the electronics and code to do just that.
3. Brainstorm (3:30 - 4:30): Brainstorm novel applications for sensors in the public spaces that could be built into Windchimes. Examples include automatic fire detection and alert and gunshot locator.
4. Build (4:30 - )
Day 2- Data and web day
1. Develop web application for novel sensor application.
2. Develop data processing and visualization tools.
3. Develop strategies for deployment and civic engagement.
Hack with us!
We are looking for people who are interested in hacking New York City at a city-wide scale to empower its citizens with open environmental data. Experience in: electronics and microcontroller design, furniture design, public infrastructure and community spaces, data science, environmental science, and/or web development is a plus.
Ann Chen, NYU-ITP
Nick Wong, Cooper Union, contact ykcin31@gmail.com
Your Name, Email, Twitter Username Comments:
Name, Email, Twitter Username
Life of Trash: Track Where Your Trash Goes After the Bin
Explore what happens to the trash and recycling you throw away in the Big Apple. Does your effort to recycle count in the end? Build your own trash tracker and harness the necessary software to monitor its route. Visit the site Life of Trash
Work Plan:
- Create version 2.0 of the Life of Trash Android App - taking what was learned from the first phone launch, there are a couple code tweaks that would make the app return much better results. If you're familiar with Android at all, building on the existing framework should be a breeze. If you want to learn, now is the time!
- Design and build a scalable tracking system - currently the tracking system is setup to track only one or two phones. Can we change this? Creating a backend which will allow multiple phones to be tracked simultaneously is the next step.
- Data cleaning and cross analysis - the EPA Echo database has a tremendous amount of information about waste facilities and landfills but like most data, there are many inconsistencies and holes in the data. Cleaning this data and plotting it on a map with complete the circle. EPA Echo Database WIth this plotted data, what other data set can we add?
Crew Needed:
- Web Developers - Node.js, CartoDB, HTML/CSS/Javascript
- Data Scientist
- Web Researcher
After the initial lighting presentations which took place to start the hackday, the Life of Trash team began by taking a step back and looking at the project as a whole. This step back gave group members the opportunity to share personal interests and experiences with trash, other projects related to waste, and above all, a moment of criticacl analysis on the current status of Life of Trash.
As the critical analysis progressed, it was obvious to the group that what was needed in the project, beyond any technical hacking, was a way to expand the project from an individuals experiments into something in which a larger community could take part. This set off a series of discussions around who could and would participate in the project and how the current could be translated into an education tool as well as a set of project and experiments which people could join and collective educate a larger audience while simultaneously gathering more data that could be used. These discussions ultimately lead to a shared google document which we organized our ideas into a 'Guide to Engagement'.
"The Life of Trash has the potential to act as a platform to get communities, citizen scientists and educators involved in understanding the urban waste stream and its surrounding topics. By engaging these communities, we aim to bring about greater awareness with the hope of improving the current waste system and providing a focus for a more sustainable system in the future.
This document serves as an outline and foundation from which people can begin to implement the practices and processes of raising citizen awareness around the life of trash." - Purpose statement
Read More
Read the Google Doc
Organizer: Nick Johnson, Interactive Telecommunications Program, NYU
Hackers: Heather Van Volkinburg
Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
MicroTasking Apps for Disaster Response — Joint Project with United Nations!
The United Nations (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) needs your help! In response to the devastating Typhoon that ravaged the Philippines last year, we customized CrowdCrafting (free & open source microtasking platform) to quickly process disaster tweets from the Philippines. The UN was able to use this data to produce a rapid damage assessment crisis map which was shared across the UN and with the Filippino Government (more here) to guide relief operations on the ground. Given the incredible success of this digital humanitarian response, the UN is partnering with us to launch MicroMappers (which was just presented at TEDxTraverseCity & tweeted by New Scientist). The purpose of MicroMappers is to customize CrowdCrafting apps for disaster response thus allowing anyone to become a Digital Humanitarian Volunteer. In other words, we want to democratize disaster response.
Join our cause and I *promise* that your efforts will absolutely make a difference during future disasters! What's more, we can totally finish these apps this weekend, this is all totally do-able!
Organizers: Patrick Meier, (@patrickmeier), iRevolution.net | Luis Morton, ITP, NYU
Work plan:
- Finish 3 Apps: (1) Categorization App; (2) Damage Assessment App; and (3) Geo-Tag App
- Design really cool user interfaces for the Apps + Add gamification & IM'ing features
- See Google Doc
Skills needed:
- HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.
- Python preferred, but PHP, C/C++, Ruby, Haskell also useful.
- User interface design, graphics design.
- Ariba Jahan
- Christine Jackson
- We developed a microtasking app for tagging images and videos.
- We also designed a customized UI for this app and other apps (see below).
- We are now developing two additional microtasking apps to tag and translate tweets.
- More at MicroMappers.com
iPad Chemistry: Make Chemical Bonding Easy to Learn
Our project started in 2010, following the release of the iPads. We wanted to deploy an app into chemistry classrooms to see if tablets had something to offer to chemical education. We adapted the experience of drawing Lewis Dot diagrams, essential to understanding the bonding between atoms and resultant formation of molecules, to the gesture mechanics of the iPad. We first deployed it in the chemistry classrooms of the Urban Assembly Institute High School in Brooklyn, and subsequently on Apple’s App Store (link). Much to our surprise, people downloaded it – other teachers, college professors, students, and parents – and subsequently begged for more features. Admittedly, it’s been a long time since rehash of the code, and the prototype was, and still is, so raw that it’s practically a blank slate for development. However, we have a couple of things going for the project…
- People easily imagine what they would want as an additional feature
- We’ve proven that tablet gesture mechanics can be adapted creatively to chemistry concepts
- Interest in chemistry amongst students is way down and that’s a problem worth approaching with technology
(Not-so-set-in-stone) Ideas for the Hackathon
- Port the sucker to Android
- Complete overhaul of app graphics, UI and/or UX
- Feature of real-time recognition of the molecule that one has constructed
- Brainstorm additional mechanics to better communicate other concepts in chemistry to complement app
- Brainstorm and build features to position the app as either 1) a tool for independent learning for various ages or 2) a presentation tool for teachers
- Whatever the people want (see below)
Crew Needed:
- Designers for the UI/UX element improvements
- iOS developers willing to learn a bit of chemistry for the molecule recognition
- Scientists and science educators for brainstorming, wireframing and/or low-fidelity prototyping
- Android tablet guru to quickly push out an Android cousin
Oh and…
We’ll have an exhibit booth demoing the app on iPads setup in Brooklyn’s Innovation Square on Saturday, June 1st, concurrent with the first leg of the Hackathon. We’ll be offering the opportunity to the booth’s visitors (adults and children) to live request easily implementable features and/or vote on existing features in the job queue. This list will be broadcast to you wonderful hackers for your consideration.
Any Questions?
Please feel welcome to contact us prior to the event! Email at carlo@montclarelab.com
Organizers: Jin Montclare and Carlo Yuvienco, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, NYU Poly
Hackers: Your Name, Email, Twitter Username Comments:
Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
Crowdcrafting Research: Contribute to a Variety of Online Citizen Science Projects
Collect, analyze, and simulate your own data, or work on specific Crowdcrafting projects, e.g. in psychology and nanotechnology. Crowdcrafting is an open source toolkit for DIY online citizen science projects.
Organizers: Rufus Pollock, Open Knowledge Foundation and Daniel Lombraña González, Citizen Cyberscience Centre
Hackers: Daniel Lombraña @teleyinex
During the hack day 4 apps were created:
- CrowdCrafting + Vimeo: This application allows you to analyze videos using Vimeo as a back end. Basically, you can use the Vimeo API to find videos that you want to describe, translate, etc. Right now the code is a template and can be used for doing lots of different video analysis very easily. (Source Code)
- Biomaterials: is a CrowdCrafting application that allows you mark the materials comprised of proteins through genetic engineering and molecular biology with your mouse. The application splits a huge lab image into small ones, and shows you one small area to mark all the materials that are smaller than 72nm. (Source Code)
- Arthropods interactions: this is a CrowdCrafting app that uses the Magicicada source code to identify if a observation from a given project Noah mission have two different arthropods interacting.
- Magicicada : is a CrowdCrafting app that will become a template for Project Noah missions where it will be possible to improve the metadata sent to the observations. In this case, the goal of the application is analyze the magicicada observations: in other words data validation. (Source Code)
School of Citizen Science: Build an Online Course for Citizen Cyber Science
Create a massive online course for citizen (cyber)science. Help more people get involved in citizen science projects and in the science behind them. Set up the platform to host the course, develop learning activities for participants, and announce the course/ open sign-up by the end of the weekend.
Many of the popular cyber science projects are designed by academic researchers, who create opportunities for crowdsourced contributions. But there are not enough pathways for contributors to learn more about the science they are supporting, or get involved in setting up their own experiments. Let's change that.
Full notes from the weekend: http://pad.p2pu.org/p/sciencehackday
- Set up a course landing page and sign-up form, using the Mechanical MOOC platform (github)
- Set up a collaboration space for the course community
- Started creating example course activities / modules:
Next steps:
- Need to identify someone to drive (50% position over the summer / perfect job for a grad student)
- Flesh out the activities for each week
- Francois Grey will offer a citizen science course to students in China in the Fall
- Some tech clean up is needed. Sign-up is not working yet, discourse is running in development mode and we need to set up a proper domain name for it.
Organizer: Philipp Schmidt, Peer-2-Peer University and MIT Media Lab
- Margaret Gold, margaret@tmc.bz, @MobileMaggie
- @jqnatividad - Joel Natividad
- @schmidtphi - Philipp Schmidt ps1@media.mit.edu
- @francoisgrey - Francois Grey
- @teleyinex - Dani
- no twitter - Jacob Sherson sherson@phys.au.dk - Quantum Computer Game
Asteroid Lamp (aka the Near Death Lamp!)
Hook an arduino up to a Near Earth Object feed (like @lowflyingrocks) to make a lamp blink/beep every time as asteroid flies by the Earth! We made a very slapped together version of this at Science Hack Day San Francisco, but would be awesome to see if someone can make a cooler version of it!
Hackers: ...jump in! Comments
I sadly won't be able to attend Science Hack Day NYC, but I wanted to at least throw this idea out there for others to hack on! @natronics helped build the first version of this hack and went on to create an object that would light up every time the International Space Station was overhead - @arielwaldman
Also, see this neat installation in Europe that shows cosmic rays. http://www.blendernation.com/2010/09/28/experiencing-cosmic-rays-with-blender-in-a-fulldome/
Also, asteroid discovery video, NEO's are in red
City Mission
World Science Festival also coincides with "National Day of Civic Hacking", so continuing the GovLab Experiment where the idea for CityMission was born, we're iterating on CityMission to host all the Civic/Citizen Cyberscience Hacks built during the Festival and beyond!
CityMission is a combination of "Fitbit for the City" and "Public Advocacy Network", where mission metadata is kept and promoted, and Mission creators and members can also donate crowdsourced Open Data for others to mashup and make other experiments/missions. Hopefully, creating a sustainable, two-way communication between citizens and policy-makers - a small step towards building "We the City".
This Hack is more of a "metahack" that will allow the Hacks created during the Festival to be converted into Missions to be promoted to the public at large.
Hackers: Joel Natividad, joel.natividad@ontodia.com, @jqnatividad and the GovLab Experiment CityMission team (TBD)
Comments: Commenter Name, Email, Twitter Username
Crowdsourced Experience Sampling (Track your Thoughts!)
Psychologists have been asking questions about the mind for hundeds of years, but we still don't know very much about what people actually think about on a day to day basis. One way to investigate this is through "experience sampling", which prompts people at various intervals to report what they are thinking about, and how they are feeling about their thoughts. On the surface this may seem silly, but knowing the kind of things people think about can very useful in diagnosing mental illness, understanding how the brain works, and creating strategies to optimize creativity and problem solving strategies.
Unfortunately, no good platform exists to do widespread experience sampling. I propose to begin building a cross-platform (iOS/Android) app that users can install on their devices, and which allows scientists to configure different sets of questions that people are asked to answer. Users will be able to see a breakdown of what they were thinking about, and trends of how their thinking changes over time, and scientists will get much needed data.
Hackers: Dan Lurie, @dantekgeek
Jump in!
Interactive Standard Model diagram
The Standard Model describes all the known fundamental particles and interactions (except gravity). There are variations on a standard way to display these particles, but they are all quite similar and perhaps not the most illuminating for non-experts.
I would like to design a new layout in a more interactive format using more modern browser display tools. I'm a particle physicist by training and would love to work with designers on this project. I'm very inspired by the infographics of the NYT and elsewhere. I can code up something in processing, but HTML5/Javascript/Dart programmers would be very welcome!
I've created a github repository for the weekend's fun! These are just some processing examples to get people started, but feel free to contribute code from other languages if you like!
Hackers: Matt Bellis (Siena College), mbellis@siena.edu, @matt_bellis
Jennifer Shannon
Amichi Levy
Ali Sajjadi
David (WSF volunteer)
Brian Fuchs
David Aanensen
Final presentation slides:
Website prototype presented:
Significant software used:
d3.js (http://d3js.org/)
Bootstrap (http://twitter.github.io/bootstrap/)
Desperate Housewares - a fun and more efficient curb alert system
A mobile app for sharing photos of free things on the street. A fun and more efficient curb alert system. A missed connections for things.
Desperate Housewares exposes the little-known lives of objects teetering on the edge of being discarded. Suspended in a curbside purgatory, will they get a second chance? Will someone respond to their urgent cries for a new home? FREE. BARELY USED. BROKEN.
Desperate Housewares : an emotional internet of things.
This mobile app is a space for users to share photos of things found on the street and attach auto-generated stories to them. The app not only helps those who are looking for free things on the street but invites users to engage in a creative space that brings those objects to life.
Join us!
Hackers: Sheiva Rezvani, info@sheiva.com, @gethideous, Jacki Steiner, jsteinerdesign@gmail.com
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[white | black]board -> LaTeX
Take a picture of a whiteboard or a blackboard, upload to a web page, automatically render it to LaTeX. I think this can be done with some simple handwriting recognition ideas, but will need help with the interface, backend, and photo processing.
- Machine learning / text recognition
- Image processing
- Web front-end / back-end development
Hackers: Adrian Price-Whelan @astrodrian
Brian Granger @ellisonbg
No finished product came out of this hack. Maybe our biggest hack during the two days was to come to realize that this is a really hard problem, and a currently unsolved problem in optical character recognition (OCR) in general. Brian and I did write some code -- he wrote the image processing tools, I worked on the machine learning side -- and that can be found here https://github.com/adrn/boardtex.
Crowdsourced Measurements of Protein Clusters or Biomaterials
Classifying images of protein clusters taken with transmission electron microscopy
Hackers: Jin Montclare (NYU Poly) @jkmontclare, Daniel Lombraña @teleyinex, Carlo Yuvienco (NYU Poly)
Thanks to Help from: Martha Tack, Hyun Chun
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WORKSHOP 1: Web mapping for Science
Presenter: Andrew Hill, Vizzuality
Documentation http://cartodb.com/
POP-UP WORKSHOP: EpiCollect - gathering data on your phone
Presenter: David Aanensen, Imperial College
Documentation http://www.epicollect.net/
WORKSHOP 2: 3D Printing
Presenter: Xuedi Chen, ITP
Documentation http://www.makerbot.com/discover/
WORKSHOP 3: Arduino
Presenter: Tom Igoe, ITP
Dan Shiffman, "Learning Processing"
Massimo Banzi, "Getting Started with Arduino"
For more advanced users, Tom Igoe, "Making Things Talk"
POP-UP WORKSHOP: Crowdcrafting - DIY crowdsourcing for science
Presenter: Daniel Lombrana Gonzalez, Citizen Cyberscience Centre
Documentation http://crowdcrafting.org/about
WORKSHOP 4: Grassroots Mapping - Gather Your Own Aerial Imagery for a Near Real Time Map
What events are important enough to map? Anything. A map creates importance & can be used to tell any story.
By using low cost methods, participants can send a camera up on a weather balloon (or kite), capture aerial images, & create a near real-time map of a temporal event.
Create your own monitoring project: stormwater runoff, cookouts, tracking the plant health of gardens & parks through Infragram, rooftop parties, the seasons.
Our goal is to practice aerial photography & place an image on a map through Mapknitter. The test will be to take imagery at our location & place an image on the map in under an hour.
Will Ward, Public Lab Organizer
Liz Barry, Public Lab Director of Urban Environments
Example Title
Example idea description goes here. Keep it to just a few short & sweet sentences.
Hackers: Your Name, Email, Twitter Username Comments:
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