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Who's Coming
Page history
last edited
by Ariel Waldman 14 years ago
Here you can add your name and affiliation (if you'd like) so we know how many people to prepare for.
- Jeremy Gomez - tentative based on present contracting schedule
- Natalie Villalobos - Google (tentative based on schedule)
- Jeremy Keith
- Tom Morris - Scala, Ruby, general faffing around, logic fixer-upper, access to scholarly resources, might do something to do with epistemic modelling
- Daniel Soltis - Tinker London, interaction designer
- Jim O'Donnell
- Max Williams - rubyist (tentative but interested)
- Paul Mison (was planning to be on holiday)
- Saqib Shaikh - if I can make the date.
- Igor Schwarzmann
- Riccardo Cambiassi
- Ian Mulvany - Nature Publishing Group
- Euan Adie - Nature Publishing Group
- Chris Thorpe
- Cass Johnston - KCL IoP, London BioGeeks
- Steve Jalim - pythonist/djangoist (deadlines are in the way, but still might make it )
- Alistair MacDonald
- Jonty Wareing
- Fiona Romeo - National Maritime Museum and Citizen Science Alliance
- Ben Burry
- Stuart Lowe
- Cat Burton
- Daz Oakley
- Dan Klose
- Sajith Perera
- Laurian Gridinoc (cannot make it, moving house)
- Phil Pickering
- Edward Gomez - Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network (djangoist, Drupaler)
- Robert Simpson (Galaxy Zoo/Zooniverse, Oxford University)
- Stuart Lynn (Galaxy Zoo/Zooniverse, Oxford University)
- Chris Lintott (Zooniverse/Citizen Science Alliance, Oxford)
- James Coglan - Rubyist and JavaScripter
- Alasdair Allan - Astronomer, Perl hacker, iPhone developer and Open Hardware advocate. (can no longer make it)
- Tomas Vorobjov - Web App Developer, Amateur Astronomer
- PJ Barry
- Cameron Neylon - Professional scientist, amateur programmer, newbie hardware hacker
- Dasha Kropotova - amateur XSLT programmer
- Kelvin Luck - Flash, Javascript, C#, PHP developer (unfortunately can no longer make it :( )
- Cristiano Betta - Web Developer at CGB Digital
- Tim Duckett - general purpose hacker & dev of things (mainly) Ruby and iPhone (tentative, but interested)
- Jon Linklater-Johnson - Front-end Magician & Prettifier Extraordinaire
- Andy "Bob" Brockhurst - Yahoo!, Hardware Hacker, Brewer
- Mustaqil Ali - Mendeley
- Carolina Ödman - unawe, dotastronomy, etc.
- Dan Hagon - Petabyte wrangler for atmospheric sciences. Computer Scientist by training.
- Julian Cheal
- Dan Harvey - Mendeley - Data Mining Engineer, Machine Learning stuff, Hadoop, Pig, Java, Python.
- Nathan O'Hanlon - web.WayCal.com - Local Web Events - Share calendars and find things to do.
- Dan W
- Kevin Prince
- Tim Nash
- Carolyn Jones
- Andy Hume
- Ian Wootten - Processes, CouchDB and PHP
- Rain Ashford - hardware hacker (forgot my SO's bday so prolly can't come, soz!)
- Nigel Crawley - algorithmic art Φ / iPhone app builder - sorry can't be their (date clash) :(
- Rachel Cooper - Web Developer [C# and Flash]
- Frances Berriman - web dev (Nature Publishing Group)
- Renée Hlozek - Oxford University, PubAstronomy
- Eamonn Neylon - software/hardware/anywhere
- Toni Barrett - Web Developer
- Steve Dennis - Designer & HTML/CSS monkey
- Phil Cox - Developer
- Michael Habib - Scopus Product Manager, Elsevier, Scopus APIs
- Judson Dunham - Elsevier/ScienceDirect
- Matt Wood - Amazon Web Services
- Jimmy Tidey - HTML / CSS / JS / PHP - a little of each!
- Ben Smith
- Jennifer Smith
- Georgina Voss - Tinker London
- Matt Haynes
- Matthew Somerville (trains, theatre, mySociety)
- Caz Mockett
- Robert Lee-Cann
- Premasagar Rose, Dharmafly - JavaScript hackery
- Nick Rowlands
- Phil Cowans
- Nasir Jamal - Rubyist, Developer (tentative but very interested)
- Neil Crosby - Web developer, hacker, and interested body.
- Nick Parish - editor, enthusiast
- Alf Eaton
- Arfon Smith - Galaxy Zoo / Zooniverse / University of Oxford
- Mark Simpkins - (ex BBC, some MySociety, geekyoto and other stuff)
- Amanda Bauer
- Sharon Cheng
- JP Hastings-Spital - Rubyist / Physicist — Busy :(
- James Aylett - disruptive influence
- Mohammad Valipour (Software/Web Developer) and Reyhaneh Esmaielbeiki (PhD Student, Bioinformatic)
- Shayan Elhami (science freak)
- Richard Boulton - text search (Xapian), data munging
- David L Miller - statistician
- S Anand - web developer
- Matt Patterson - Developer
- Joe Davis (most likely only til saturday night)
- Rebecca Cottrell - interaction designer
- Daithi O Crualaoich - Guardian developer, mathematician
- Tinaz Mehta
- Inayaili de León — Web designer (who's never the werewolf)
- Marc Roberts - Ruby/PHP Developer
- Adam Davis - Web Developer (php/js/flash)
- Andy McMillan - Designer
- Romulo Sathler - .NET C# software engineer
- Ivan Blazhko — Software engineer
- Seyi Ogunyemi - Devigner
- Relly Annett-Baker - chief teamaker, rumours abound that she sometimes writes things.
- Steven Mohapi-Banks - programmer (Ruby, Java, JS) and prospective employer of fine hackers
- Caspar Addyman - Infantologist & former quant developer
- Dot R
- Ben Dowling (Mendeley) - PHP/Python/Django/JavaScript
- Matt Jones - designer, http://berglondon.com (Saturday only)
- Amy Sanders, The Wellcome Trust
- Shaun Hare - Web Developer - PHPist - dabbles in Java/obj C
- Andrew Morris
- Imran Ghory
- Ruth Tye
- Tom Berry
- Chris Jopson
- Wai Kien - Generalizing Specialist (Machine Learning/AI, BI, Usability, DBA, Web Dev); likely to be arriving a bit late on Sat.
- Murray Rowan
- Michal Chruszcz
- Carles Pina - Mendeley (C++, Python) Saturday (probably only morning / lunch)
- Martyn Loughran
- Ismael Celis
- David Chaplin
- Tony Volpe - Sadly only able to make the final presentations
- Brian Suda - Is going to try and extend a conference trip to stay for this
- Samantha Bail - Computer scientist and passionate girl geek.
- Steve Kennedy - ex techie, interested
- Neal Hanson - interface developer - have a lot on around then, but will try to make it.
- Amina - Product designer
- James Darling
- Mia Ridge - Science Museum - in theory, my deadlines are over the day before, but I'm not sure I trust the theory (probably Saturday only)
- Cem Sisman
- Carole Petts - Web Apps Developer, mash-up lover
- Julian Burgess - Ruby developer
- Shaun Hare - Web Developer - PHPist - dabbles in Java/obj C see above : )
- Stephen Fernandez - Web Developer
- Matt Bee - If I feel up to it I'll pop in... won't add much technically but love science!
- Alex Speller - Nature Publishing Group
- Ian McDonald - BBC, but sadly only for Sunday's presentations
- Tantek Çelik - sorry to miss this! Sounds like it will be a blast.
- Ariel Waldman - Spacehack.org (boo to expensive plane tickets! devising a project to make up for it.)
- Marrije Schaake - next year, for sure! Hopefully.
- Artur Cistov - over-enthusiastic JS hacker
- Mike Peel - too many things to get done this weekend; hopefully next time...
- Burcu Dogan - Deadlines..., I'm busy, have to cancel my London trip.
- Tim Acheson
I'm profoundly gutted that I can't make it this weekend. Science and mash-ups -- two of my favourite things in life!
generalizing specialist
Who's Coming
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