Science Hack Day San Francisco > 2015 Demoed Hacks
Hacks created at Science Hack Day 2015
A video of all the hacks that were demoed will be up soon.
- Kidney: The Last stand
- Electric Jungle
- CO2 Chrome Extension (Eco Impact Award)
- Kids’ Drone Backpack (Most Excited for Release Day Award)
- Saturn Day
- Marsbot
- Banana game (Ig Nobel Award)
- SF 1906 Earthquake (Data Visualization Award)
- Every RGB Icon
- Save the Coral Reef
- Harry Potter Sorting Hat (Defense Against the Dark Arts Award)
- Pi-CanSat
- CiteMap
- Laser Flow Visualization (Data Visualization Award)
- Common Garden
- Tangible Infrastructure
- Love & Sexual Health Hack with Coconut Oil
- Security Hoodie (Best Design Award)
- The Solar Archive (Best Use of Data Award)
- Mobile Sensor Platform
- 3D Candy Drawing (Food Science Award)
- Smog-ifying Photos
- DIY Climate Change
- Portable Planetarium (Best Hardware Award)
- Arduino Ultrasonic Syntheziser
- AsteroidSnapshot
- News Not Noise (Culture Impact Award)
- ISS Notifier
- Photon
- The Quantum Library of Babel
- Pool++ (Best In Show) (People's Choice Award)
- PLOS of the Day
Kidney: The Last stand
Creators: Jacques Deguine, Mario Gumina, Meena Shah, Maggie Fero
A multiplayer collaborative tower defense board game where players cooperate to defend the body from infection.
All game materials are available on the github link so you can print out the cards and play at home.
APIs, data and tools used: Paper prototyping the game out, no specific technology used
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Electric Jungle
Creators: Team Lead: Johny Radio Team: Bachka Shagdargunta, Jenny Parham, Paula Alves, Alice Pevyhouse, Scott Mobley, Jen Blank, Ashish Tiwari, Benu Atri
Each person of our team will build a simple noise-making circuit that sounds like an animal. No electronics experience required. Together we’ll make a jungle of noises.
APIs, data and tools used: Schmidt bug, Capacitors, amplifier boards, speakers, battery and photo sensors.
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
CO2 Chrome Extension
Creators: Stephanie Hutson
This is a chrome extension which will add a header to any google maps page with a reader for an estimated CO2 emission for your trip. You can select generally what type of vehicle you can you to adjust for different emission rates.
APIs, data and tools used: jquery
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Kids’ Drone Backpack
Creators: Chloe Bonneau, Chief Designer Gilles de Bordeaux, Assistant and Grand-Father
Create an individual drone backpack to bring kids to school and back home safely, while avoiding traffic jams and saving everyone's time.
APIs, data and tools used: Pen, paper, ardboard, wood, metal tube
Drill, saw
MS Word for design ideas
MS PowerPoint for the presentation
OpenScad for 3D design
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links: N/A
Hack URL:
Saturn Day
Creators: Doug Peltz, Keith Schacht, Arezu Sarvestani, Diana Mazuera, Jared Seehafer, David Crawford, Eric Liaw, Brian Castro, Emily Boerner, Xiaomin Jiang, Kiera Westphal, Melissa Acosta, Maggie Fero, Cristina Deptula, Peter Banauch, Lisa Ballard, Erica Lee, Andrew Fandrianto, Alex Hansen, Mayank Kedia
We want every kid to see the rings of Saturn. Saturn Day will become an annual event where we galvanize the amateur astronomy community to set up their telescopes on one special evening for children everywhere.
APIs, data and tools used: Heroku, Ruby on Rails, PostGIS, Beautiful Soup
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
We came with an idea that we could not develop into a product because we do not code nor have any knowledge about electrical circuits. We wanted to build a one-legged hopper that could sort obstacles through either sensors or basic biomechanics.
We learned how to outline basic structures in Fusion 360 from scratch and proceded to design a concept of what we would like to build in the future.
APIs, data and tools used: Autodesk Fusion 360,
Wacom Intuos Art
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Banana game
Creators: @dam_io, @jeantoul, @kisabelyogi
Press a real banana and make another banana jump ! That's it !
APIs, data and tools used: Arduino
Screenshots, photos and videos: Video:
Bonus video:
Source code and links:
For the schematic, just plug A5 to the banana and hold a wire to the ground on the other hand. I let you hack your way through!
Hack URL:
SF 1906 Earthquake
Creators: David Harris Zach Corse Sean Pace Kira Hammond
The seismic vibrations of the 1906 SF earthquake are replayed in real time through a wave tank, with the water disturbances proportional to the strength of the earthquake at any time.
APIs, data and tools used: Max/MSP
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Every RGB Icon
Creators: David Harris
An extremely famous digital art piece "Every Icon" from 1997 by John F. Simon draws every possible black and white 32x32 icon in sequence. To update this to the more modern age, I have created "Every RGB Icon" that works through all possible RGB icons using 24-bit color depth. The estimated running time is 10^7400 years. The rounding error in that number is greater than the age of the universe to date.
APIs, data and tools used: Processing
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Save the Coral Reef
Creators: Jeremy Wong, HongPhuc Dang, Jessica Carilli, Michelle Chang
Coral reefs are regarded as rainforests of the sea. They are a delicate ecosystem that must be preserved as they bring wonder and excitement. They are also habitat to species that make up our interconnected food chain.
This board game is to help kids understand what impacts coral reefs and they can do about it.
"This much is certain: We have the power to damage the sea, but no sure way to heal the harm."
-- Dr. Sylvia Earle, "Sea Change: A Message of the Oceans"
APIs, data and tools used: Arduino, LEDs, 3D Printer, Legos
Screenshots, photos and videos: See Hack URL:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Harry Potter Sorting Hat
Creators: Ryan Andersen, Christopher Swanson, David Uli, Erik Danford, Jordan Hart, Jack Sivak, Xiaomin Jiang, Oge Todic, William Donahue-Bombosch
The Sorting Hat (powered IBM Watson) will do everything a Sorting Hat ought to except read the mind of the person wearing it. As a technical accommodation, the wearer will speak into a microphone expressing characteristics of him or herself. The Hat will digest this information using a speech to text online resource, an online trained classifier and pronounce with enthusiasm the placement into which house the wearer is most appropriate.
APIs, data and tools used: The Hat is implemented with a raspberry pi, a Yun, servos for the eyebrows, a DVD carriage motor for the mouth, LEDs for eyes, portable batteries, and an activation switch. There is an auxiliary web service to enliven the demonstration during the data acquisition and exclamation phases. Inter-component communication uses http which led to a very clean separation of tasks that facilitated rapid independent development of the various stages that comprise the Hat and subsequently also eased the moments of stage integration.
Two IBM Watson Services on Bluemix were used - the Speech to Text (STT) and a Natural Language Classifier (NLC) . The NLC Ground Truth is available on github rustyoldrake
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links: rustyoldrake (GIthub)
Hack URL:
Creators: Ted Tagami, Alex Campbell
The Pi-CanSat is a software and hardware experiment to enable use of a Raspberry Pi's computing power to read data and control a balloon satellite (and eventually a cubesat) filled with Arduino sensors. This project will help enable students learn about electronics, environmental data and flight.
We found that in terms of power and available space, it might be better to go just with Pi, and connect sensors directly via GPIO.
The satellite would communicate via serial data over HAM radio, so data and telemetry could be fed to a ground Pi (mission control) in near real-time. The idea is to be low-cost, accessible and open-source.
Much of our time was spent trying to get Pi and Arduino to talk over USB, but further development into a pure-Pi platform could yield power, volume and other savings.
In the end our biggest hack was social, bringing together ideas for advancement of an educational platform for teaching STEM in a really cool way.
APIs, data and tools used: Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Python (with pyserial), C++ (Arduino Sketches),
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Creators: Mayank Kedia, Kris Kooi, Chrisantha Perera, Flip Tanedo
It can be difficult for researchers to be aware of all the relevant past work on a topic, especially young researchers who are entering new research areas. We are using machine learning techniques on the InspireHEP high energy physics bibliographic database to create a paper-recommender. Given a list of references and the abstract of a paper in progress, the machine returns a list of papers that the researcher may have missed or forgotten to cite.
APIs, data and tools used: InspireHEP database and API, scikit-learn, d3
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Laser Flow Visualization
Creators: Brent Townshend, Nobie Redmon, Emilie Collot, Will Turner
We wanted to learn more about aerodynamics by visualizing the flow of air in a box. We built a plastic chamber with an inlet for a fog machine and a window. By shining a planar laser beam into the chamber, we illuminated a single sheet of the swirling fog and were able to observe the flow of the fluid.
We experimented with various methods for improving the visual interest of the flow, and settled on adding large exhaust ports to drive a slow circulation, as well as small intake holes which produced mesmerizing vortex patterns.
APIs, data and tools used: Plastic enclosure, green laser with cylindrical lens, arduino with stepper motor, duplo blocks
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Common Garden
Creators: Mitar Milutinovic, Jake Hartnell, Julia Graber, Ana Nelson, Lea Rossander, Miles Evans, Laurel Chun, Camille Villa, Robert McBrayer III
We created an IoT ph-balancer that takes readings from a ph sensor, logs data to the server, can recieve instructions from the app, and controls doser pumps for carefully adjust ph levels by adding base or acid!
This the first prototype of what we hope will be many open source components for controlled environment agriculture.
APIs, data and tools used:
An Intel Edison
Raspberry Pis
A ph-sensor
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Tangible Infrastructure
Creators: Genki Sugimoto
Today is the era of cloud computing. Using PaaS (Platform as a Service) like Amazon Web Service, we can easily buy (or should I say "borrow") servers without really owning it physically. This made it easy for everyone to use computer for various purposes like hosting a web application.
However, here is a problem: it's NOT COOL. Before cloud computing, everyone owned their own servers. Our servers were big, noisy, flashy, electricity consuming, and cool. We customized (in other words, "grew") our servers every day, and we loved our servers as if we love our children. Now, does anyone think servers you cannot see cool? Does anyone love servers you cannot even touch? NO.
So, I made the cloud computing tangible. You have 2 kind of figures: one for servers (a.k.a. instances), one for containers ("container" is kind of a virtual machine). And you have a magical field called "cloud map". You can register your figures and you can save your customization in that figures. If you want to launch your server on the cloud, all you have to do is to place your server figures on the "cloud map". And you can load the servers with your containers (which you can customize on your local machine) by placing the container figures next to destination servers.
Now that the "cloud map" represents your infrastructure, you want to see what's happening on the cloud. The "cloud map" shows the status of servers (ip address, memory usage, etc.), HTTP requests (request per seconds), latency, etc. This helps you find bottlenecks of your infrastructure. And when you find it, changing your infrastructure is as easy as just moving around your servers on the "cloud map".
In short, think of it as a miniature wargame (, but for cloud computing (and you want to gain high score on reliability, responsibility, etc. of your infrastructure). This makes infrastructure much more intuitive, fun, and cool.
APIs, data and tools used: - Sinatra Server
- DigitalOcean API
- Docker
- 3D Printer (Ultimaker 2)
- QR Code
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links: [Local server to manage figure registration and cloud management]
[iOS logic to read QR Code and send request to local server (to distinguish figures)]
Hack URL:
Love & Sexual Health Hack with Coconut Oil
Creators: Summers McKay, Bryn Cartwright, Jenny Parham, Derek Burgess Rose Broome, Elizabeth Carney, Nick Pinkston, Jeremy Herman, Chrisantha Perera, Kris Kooi, Flip Taneda, Everyone
Coconut Oil has been used for thousands of years as a topical moisturizer and has countless benefits. Using Coconut Oil as an intimate lubricant can enhance sexual health, reduce the occurrence of urinary tract and yeast infections. It is an allover good oil. However, usage for this purpose is incredibly low and we are determined to figure out how to get more people to use coconut oil!
Our concerns were that people were looking for scientific documentation to justify the usage and those are incredibly difficult to come by. Most of the resources online seem unreliable and we wanted some scientific proof!
We also know that the product is not packaged or marketed for this particular use and we wanted to better understand why and what we could do about it.
So we went to work learning about product concerns, barriers to usage, packaging ideas, and marketing strategies.
APIs, data and tools used: We used the 3D printers to create sample packaging.
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Security Hoodie
Creators: Brittany Forks, Jason Lee, Stephanie Vacher
Our team wanted to create a hoodie that'll allow people to feel more comfortable when walking at night. We created a hoodie hack that will let you pipe EL wire through the hood, and modified the hoodie to contain the power pack and button mechanism for lighting up the wire. We also worked on a hack to allow the hoodie to tweet to an account to alert your followers that you're rightened, but that hack didn't result in a prototype.
APIs, data and tools used: EL Wire, Arduino, LightBlue Bean, Twitter
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
The Solar Archive
Creators: Alex Parker, Tadej Novak, Stephanie Hutson
The Mount Wilson archive of hand-drawn sunspot maps is a daily record that stretches back to 1917. Since each drawing is unique and hand-scanned, they were not well-suited to playing as a time series without substantial clean-up.
We used several approaches to align the sunspot drawings and create a smooth time series of the evolution of the surface of the Sun. We have partially processed the 2000-2015 archive, and are working to complete this and the remainder of the archive.
This very long record of sunspot activity is both a unique piece of astronomical history and a powerful demonstration of the variety and timescales of activity on the surface of the sun. We hope that by completing processing of the archive we can produce a suite of visualizations that illustrate the distinct sunspot cycles stretching back for nearly a full century.
APIs, data and tools used: Python, scikit-image, scikit-learn, matplotlib, github
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:,
Mobile Sensor Platform
Creators: Ivan Cooper
Location-aware Data Logger demonstration hack. Complete open-source system including code for Arduino + iPhone + Java server.
An air quality (particulate matter) detector, temperature and humidity sensor are connected to an Arduino, which is plugged in to a hacked iPhone, which runs custom software to send location-stamped data to a Java server application in real-time.
Learn * Crowdsource * Quantify * Open Source * Citizen Science
APIs, data and tools used: 1. Arduino + Seeed sensors (data acquisition)
2. Xcode (iOS app development)
3. Jailbreaking tools (iPhone hardware access)
4. Java + Jetty + Jersey + Gradle (web server for collecting data)
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL: n/a
3D Candy Drawing
Creators: Lily Lew Fumi Yamazaki Simon Weinsteins
We created a 3D drawing pen using candies to introduce candy science to kids.
APIs, data and tools used: candies
glue guns
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links: Instructables:
Hack URL:
Smog-ifying Photos
Creators: J.D. @jdzamfi,Karina @kvanscha,Mark @mfb
• Outdoor air pollution was estimated to cause 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012.
• 88% of those premature deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries, and the greatest number in the WHO Western Pacific and South-East Asia regions.
It’s easier to care about air quality when you can imagine it affecting… your own city, your own skyline, the world you see you everyday.
Photo filters!
We hacked an iOS camera app to add a smog filter button, so you can apply a smog filter before uploading your photos to Instagram!
Where it could go:
• Updating filters based on live data
• Color shifts based on smog composition, e.g. nitrogen dioxide contributes to brownish smog
Get in touch! We are:
J.D. @jdzamfi Karina @kvanscha Mark @mfb
APIs, data and tools used: Xcode
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
DIY Climate Change
Creators: Nicolas Weidinger, Marc Burdett, Taylor Swanson, Karina
This hack is intended to openly explore the world of geoengineering, and help start a community of amateur climate hackers.
Our first experiment was to lunch a small weather balloon containing dry ice. When the dry ice sublimates, it creates cloud "seeds", which are known to cause precipitation.
This process was documented on instructables, hopefully spurring discussion about the best practices around climate modification.
APIs, data and tools used:
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Portable Planetarium
Creators: Edie Codel, Tantek Çelik, Bryn Cartwright
Using a Pico Projector, carboard and a fish-eye lens, the easy to make cardboard tower transforms any dark room into a journey into space. All that is needed is to download "Stellarium" at which is an open-source application that shows detailed, interactive, live space data and visuals. These visuals have multiple settings, and when setting the Stellarium program to "markings: fisheye" in settings the image on the cieling becomes domed like a planetarium cieling. Lay back on the floor and enjoy exploring the great universe!
This is intended to be as simple a construction as possible.
Items needed include:
-duct tape
-2'x6' foot cardboard panel (folded into 1" panels)
-a 4"x4" square cardboard piece with a 3" diameter cut out in the center to hold the fish-eye lens
-one pico projector
-fish-eye lens
Ideally the purpose of this is to bring it into classrooms or the home so that people who never see the true beauty of the sky and develop a wonder about space are able to be exposed an engage in astronomy, hopefully inspiring an interest and curiosity about the field.
APIs, data and tools used:
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Arduino Ultrasonic Syntheziser
Creators: Tom Bishop, Lea Hildebrandt Rossander
Move your hand in front of the ultrasonic distance sensor and hear the sound it creates! We used an Arduino Mega which was interfaced with two ultrasonic distance sensors, enabling you to use the distance from your hand to the sensor to control an input on a synthesizer - pitch, effect, or whatever fits with your techno electronica needs.
APIs, data and tools used: Arturia MicroBrute synthesizer, Arduino mega, ultrasonic sensors, breadboard, wires etc.
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Creators: David Greenfield Jason English
Using the available orbital data, render a visualization of the an asteroid’s orbit around the sun, showing its relation to the earth's orbit.
This would be an at time rendering available via a web service allowing anyone to utilize the data in other applications. We will also attempt to render the current position of the asteroid in its orbit at the time of rendering.
APIs, data and tools used: Near Earth Object Web-Service
Screenshots, photos and videos: Orbit of Asteroid (2015 TB145)
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
News Not Noise
Creators: Sabhanaz Rashid Diya, Simu Naser, Julia Bossmann, Teagon Sorsen, Brenda Chang, Colin Hunt and Keshia Richardson
News Not Noise is a browser (Chrome) extension that uses emotions as a metric to measure the bias in a news articles. The Internet is a wild, wild place and users are often confused or aggravated by misleading information from different news sources. Our extension puts adjectives, phrases, pronouns, amplifiers, etc. on a graph to determine how subjective and polarized the content is. The end goal is help the user to navigate the Web better by making informed decisions (and reactions!) to news online.
APIs, data and tools used: Chrome extensions, Python Anywhere, Textblob, Numpy, Urllib, lxml
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
ISS Notifier
Creators: Bradley Farquhar
This hack tracks the International Space Station and send you a text message when its within 100 mile of your lat and long, when it is night, and when the sky is clear.
APIs, data and tools used: Google Maps API
International Space Stations's
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Creators: Dan Park, Dana Lee
What if your iPhone cannot get any Cell or WiFi signal and your friends are several blocks away?
This Hack allows to communicate with your buddies by using light.
APIs, data and tools used:
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
The Quantum Library of Babel
Creators: Tim Judkins
Uses a source of quantum random numbers to generate a page of text, which given the many worlds interpretation is very interesting.
APIs, data and tools used:
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
Creators: Brent Townshend, Raphael Townshend, Sheen Kao, Eduardo Mucino, Japna Sethi, David Crawford, Jace Monti, Langston Bealum
We want to help you play pool! We use Cameras and LIDARs to track the location of pool balls and cues, then run a physics engine to predict what will happen when you hit the ball, and then we draw out these predictions using a laser!
APIs, data and tools used: OSC messaging platform
Arecont Camera
Laser Scanner
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
PLOS of the Day
Creators: Jesse Zbikowski, Carl Gorringe
The hottest science, delivered daily by Twitter, RSS, or our custom PLOS iOS app.
Do you want to take advantage of the huge library of free papers from the Public Library of Science, but don't know where to start? Subscribe to "PLOS of the Day" and get linked to the most popular articles and discussions every day. You can add "PLOS of the Day" to your Twitter feed, use our iOS app, or import our RSS feed to your reader of choice.
Remember: science isn't just a methodology - it's also a popularity contest!
APIs, data and tools used: Public Library of Science, Article-Level Metrics, Lagotto, iOS, Node, JavaScript, Linux, Perl, RSS, JSON
Screenshots, photos and videos:
Source code and links:
Hack URL:
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